
“Before Lisa became my official mentor, I admired her kind spirit and welcoming energy, and knew she was someone from whom I could learn a lot. I was THRILLED when we began an official mentoring program.

Lisa taught me how to live in a heightened level of awareness. Through working with her, I learned to connect to my emotional body, as well as a higher spiritual guiding realm. I've learned to really tune into my knowing, believe in my path, and ask for guidance when needed, as well as let emotions come and go as they please.

Lisa is one of the coolest, caring and open people I've ever met. I can't thank her enough for all of the tools she's given me!”

–Emma K.

“A huge change happened to me at Lisa's 1 day workshop–something that has haunted me and paralyzed me for 19 years surfaced. While working with her, I was able to see that certain burdens are not required to be carried, and I was able to finally release this weight after so many years. Afterwards, I found a little more extra breathe and a little more freedom-- and I am so thankful to Lisa for this.”

–Christine L.

“Lisa is a caring and compassionate healer. She is wise and has a graceful way of intuitively attuning to you. I felt comfortable and safe due to her grounding presence and how she eloquently communicated and explained the process throughout the group.

The first workshop I was able to release repressed emotions. This has led me to be more connected with the universe and experiencing a greater sense of joy and more energy!

I'm truly grateful for the experiences as they have been life changing and have brought me closer to my goals of authentic living and thriving to live in my full potential.”

–Sophia S.

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“Working with Lisa, I have learned to stand up for myself. Her love and attention is pure and clear enough to support me in seeing and breaking through unhealthy behavioral patterns. She has taught me how to befriend myself and empowered me to listen and trust my own inner wisdom. She is a true example of where kindness and wisdom meet. She has forever changed the landscape of my life and for that I am truly grateful.”

–Chelsea K.

Graceful, compassionate, integrated transformation. That is how I would describe my experience with Lisa. Wherever your issues take you, Lisa will be there for you, holding you in a compassionate healing space that gives you the courage to move through your darkest night. We are blessed to have Lisa’s gift. I am most grateful for her passion to be of service to all of us.”

–Fred N.

“I have known Lisa for 15+ years.  She is grounded; spiritual and a most compassionate human being.

When she is with you, you are the only thing that matters to her. She is completely focused on you and your needs.  She truly cares about you.  

Lisa has been a personal life coach for me. She envelopes you with warmth and strength but calls you on your stuff. She is nonjudgmental but is forthcoming and truthful in her coaching approach. She is intuitive and able to dial into what is at the core of the issue. This opens the door for personal healing and growth.

I have learned a lot from Lisa. It is an absolute pleasure to be in her presence.”

–Lisa C.

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